Are you at a monetary crossroads? Are you ready to take the first step–only, you’re not sure which direction to go? Are you ready to take the next step–only, you’re not confident about which step is the right step?

I’m a CPA and a CFP® Professional with over 13 years of experience in the Financial Services industry. I would love to be your sounding board, your advocate, and your cheerleader. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, I am here to help you align your finances with your personal values. As we work together, I will help translate your money goals into an actionable Financial Plan. That’s when the really fun part starts – the part where we use your plan to identify simple, realistic steps that you can take in order to accomplish the things that really matter to you. Because when your money goals support your values, your financial accomplishments truly support you in living your best life.

In the second phase of our partnership, we will work on CRAFTING YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN.

In Phase 1, we invested significant time and energy into setting truly meaningful financial goals. And now, it’s time for me to nerd out. I’ll ask questions, and I’ll request copies of documents. I’ll crack my knuckles, wiggle my fingers, and open a fresh spreadsheet. I’ll read, research, model, test, and document.

Depending on the number and the complexity of the goals that you’ve defined, this process could take a couple meetings. A lot of this phase will just involve me working on my own, hunched over a computer, with my favorite mug of coffee. But that doesn’t mean that this phase will end with me saying, “Well, here’s your plan!”

Instead, this will be a dialogue. I will supply research, present options, and make recommendations. You will provide valuable feedback, ask important questions, and you might provide some clarifications. Some difficult decisions could be necessary, if our initial take on core goals vs. stretch-goals wasn’t totally realistic. I may have to go back to the drawing board.

I may have to go back twice.

But in the end, we will have a Plan.

If it helps, don’t think of it as a document (a PDF, a spreadsheet, or a set of pages stapled together). Think of it as a To-Do List. Or (if you were anything like I was as a kid), think of it as your brand-new Trapper Keeper for the school year. It’s just going to keep you organized. You know, until your class schedule life changes, and it doesn’t any more.

Because life will change. And that’s why there’s a Phase 3.

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